Lake Sherwood Acres Subdivision

Baton Rouge’s Best Kept Secret

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Neighborhood Organizations

LSCA (Club) Website

**Links in red are password protected **

If you have any questions or need to contact a board member and cannot locate the correct email or phone number via this site.
email :

Sherwood Lake Association Inc

PO Box 77185

Baton Rouge, LA  70879-7185

This site was created by Lisa Peacock of The Best Solution, LLC.
Copyright © 2003-2023   The Best Solution, LLC
Last modified: December 3, 2024

Last updated 12/3/24

Lake News

**Lake Use Rules**

Dear Lake Sherwood Residents

The Lake Rules for this year are attached located at the above link.  They have been approved by the Board of Directors.

Please read the Rules but below are some important highlights to remember.

       1.  Only residents are allowed to fish in the lake.  Please see the General Rules Section for the definition of who is a resident.

       2.  Guests of residents may fish in the lake but the resident has to accompany the guest.  Residents cannot give guests permission to fish in the lake unaccompanied by the resident.

       3.  All boats must have two Lake Sherwood stickers on them along with the Lot number.

       4.  All non-resident guests must have a valid Louisiana Recreational Fishing license on their person while fishing in the lake.  Residents do not need a fishing license.

       5.  Check the rules for fish limits.

       6.  Use of seine nets or any other type of net fishing is banned. The use of trot lines, bottle floats, balloon style floats or other type of line style fishing with multiple hooks is banned.

                 To All Lake Sherwood Acres Residents: 
do not give friends, acquaintances, or others permission to fish in our lake unless you plan to be with them while they fish.  Our Lake Rules state that you must personally accompany anyone you give permission to fish in our lake.  This rule applies whether they are fishing from the bank or a boat.  

At this time of year we have a lot of outsiders coming here to fish.  They often tells us that they got permission from one of our residents.  In most cases the residents are not with them so they are asked to leave.  It is embarrassing for them and a chore for those of us charged with keeping our lake private and for our use only. We had two such instances and they were asked to leave.  We had a third person who didn’t say he had gotten permission from a resident but refused to leave so the Police were called and he left.   

Help us keep our lake beautiful and for our use only.


All Lake Sherwood Acres Lake Lot Owners, 

Your help is needed again in 2022! 

Help protect our fish and lake by not applying lawn fertilizer any closer than fifteen feet (15’) to our lake.  The nitrogen in the fertilizer can be washed by the rains and irrigation systems into the lake.  That combined with the warmer weather of spring and early summer will result in a green slim known as an algae bloom forming in the lake.  The algae can grow very rapidly turning the entire lake into a green pea soup which, if not promptly treated with an algaecide, will over time starve the lake of oxygen and kill off our fish population.  Several years ago we had a very severe algae bloom that nearly resulted in a fish kill.  It cost us over $700 to apply the algaecide and halt the problem.  The last couple of years  the problem wasn’t as bad because we asked lake lot owners to restrict their fertilizer application close to the lake.  Your cooperation on this helped save money and keep our fish and lake healthy.  Please help us again this year. 

Jim Cazes

Lake Chairman




All five fountains are working properly.

A note of Appreciation to a couple of our residents for replacing rotten bulkheads. These structures are the land owner’s responsibility as they protect their property and our lake.

Please inform your lawn crews that any trash, grass clippings, blown into the street end up going down storm drains and directly into the lake with the first heavy rainfall. Please be careful with weed and feed applications and run off as these products can also damage our lake.

Please continue to clean up any trash that may be floating by your property.

 Thank You to our neighbors who lend a hand at keeping our lake looking beautiful!


1. Continue efforts to encourage residents to repair and/or install bulkheads. Cazes, Smith, and Williams

2. Monitor water conditions for algae bloom, weeds etc. Cazes, Smith and Williams.

Jim Cazes

Lake Chairman

Jim Cazes

Lake Chairman

Lake Reports

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 20234

October 2024

Nov 2024

Dec 2024

Composite water results 2009-2013