Lake Sherwood Acres Subdivision

Baton Rouge’s Best Kept Secret

How to get Microsoft Word’s free document viewer for your computer



Neighborhood Organizations

LSCA (Club) Website

**Links in red are password protected **

If you have any questions or need to contact a board member and cannot locate the correct email or phone number via this site.
email :

Sherwood Lake Association Inc

PO Box 77185

Baton Rouge, LA  70879-7185

This site was created by Lisa Peacock of The Best Solution, LLC.
Copyright © 2003-2023   The Best Solution, LLC
Last modified: October 28, 2023

If residents need to contact one of the officers, they should call the main number for the City Police and request the officer(s) return their call.

Sgt. Jarod Averette was with Lake Sherwood before and has returned)
We would like to introduce and welcome Cpl. John Shirley to the Lake Sherwood Security Team. John was born and raised in Baton Rouge and has been with the BRPD since 2007. He serves in the 3rd. District Uniform Patrol Division.
Cpl. Curtis Wilson (NEW)
10yesr veteran with BRPD
I am Officer Timothy Wilkinson with the Baton Rouge Police Department.  I have been working as an officer in Uniform Patrol for three years.  I grew up in and currently live in Central.  I graduated from Southeastern University in 2013 with a Bachelors degree in Political Science.  I look forward to working with and getting to know everyone!