Lake Sherwood Acres Subdivision

Baton Rouge’s Best Kept Secret

How to get Microsoft Word’s free document viewer for your computer



Neighborhood Organizations

LSCA (Club) Website

**Links in red are password protected **

If you have any questions or need to contact a board member and cannot locate the correct email or phone number via this site.
email :

Sherwood Lake Association Inc

PO Box 77185

Baton Rouge, LA  70879-7185

This site was created by Lisa Peacock of The Best Solution, LLC.
Copyright © 2003-2023   The Best Solution, LLC
Last modified: April 27, 2023

Duties and functions of the Council according to the SLA Covenants

SLA Recommended Landscaping and Home Maintenance Guidelines

Reports and Position Statements of the SLA Council

  1. TV & Radio Antenna-- Revised Policy Statement 1/25/2008
  2. Letter from Victor Coursey regarding the erecting of “elevated play structures”
  3. Letter indicating the Council’s stand on “elevated play structures” dated 10/08/1981
  4. Stance on erecting Gymboree-type play structures
  5. Garage Sale policy
  6. Alternative Energy Devices Policy-Updated-12-2-13
  7. Above Ground Pool Policy-12-02-2013
  8. No Solicitation  Policy dated 05-05-14

Sherwood Lake Council

Request HOA Approval for Maintenance/Construction

Homeowner’s Maintenance Form-rev 3-2022
(formerly Permit to Alter Property)

Maintenance Form Status
(formerly Permit Status)

Sherwood Lake Association Council

by Samantha Montoya

Greetings neighbors!  Over the next several newsletters, the council will be highlighting some of the more commonly referenced sections of the Lake Sherwood Acres Restrictions & Covenants (R&C).  This is not intended to serve as an exhaustive interpretation of the sections, only a brief explanation and a simple illustration of some of the more frequent questions we run into.  For this first topic, let’s talk fences!  

Repairs, replacements, and new installations of fences fall not only under Lake Sherwood Council regulations, but also the City of Baton Rouge.  If you are replacing 25 linear feet or more of fence the City of Baton Rouge Code of Ordinances requires that you obtain a permit from the Permit & Inspection Division.  If you’re hiring a fence contractor to install your fence, it’s likely that they will handle this part for you.  Specifics of the city restrictions can be found in the Unified Development Code.  

The sections of the Lake Sherwood Acres R&C applicable to fences are sections 1.3, 2.2, 2.6, 3.1, 3.5.  The key takeaways from all those sections are: complete and submit a Homeowner’s Maintenance Request Form to the council along with supporting documentation that shows the details of the project, fences should not be installed within sight triangles, fences should not be installed between the front setback line and the front property line, and fences on lake lots should not obstruct views from any other lot and cannot be more than 3 ½’ tall within 25’ of the lake.  The council will review your submitted documents for materials, location, and size and will in most cases have a response to you within 10 days of your submission.  

As always, the Lake Sherwood Council is always happy to answer any specific questions you may have.  Just reach out to us via email at
 or by text or phone at 225-571-3206.